“If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow”

-John Dewey

Welcome to Georgian Bay Prep





a holistic approach to future readiness

prepare (something); make ready

At Georgian Bay Prep, we believe in the art of crafting a purposeful life. Through personalized learning experiences, we empower students to design their educational journey, nurturing their unique talents and passions, so they can build a future that reflects their true selves.

A well-crafted life.


Empowering students to take control of their own learning and growth, we foster independence, critical thinking, and self-reflection, allowing students to become architects of their own success, confident in their abilities to shape their destinies.


Community is at the heart of Georgian Bay Prep. We cultivate an inclusive and supportive environment where students, facilitators, and families come together as a close-knit community. Through collaboration and shared experiences, we inspire empathy, leadership, and a deep sense of belonging.


We champion curiosity as the driving force behind intellectual and personal growth. We ignite the flames of curiosity through engaging projects and a rich array of opportunities, encouraging students to explore, question, and discover the world around them, fueling a lifelong love of learning.

Beyond the Diploma: Forging Futures of Impact and Purpose

Earning your future from GB Prep

In pursuit of a well-crafted-life

Graduating from Georgian Bay Prep isn't just about meeting basic requirements.

Our students will travel with their Experiential Learning Passport(XLP), attending on and off-site workshops and learning from guest speakers and industry experts. Some of these experiences will accumulate to earning certain OSSD Business/ Design Thinking/ Social Justice elective credits. The Collection of these passport experiences will provide a journal of Reflection for their year-end speech.

Additionally, their annual AAA Project (Authentic, Ambitious, Actionable) will link their learning to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Social Entrepreneurship. These projects empower students to apply what they’ve learned in real-world contexts, setting them up for a future of purpose and impact.

Join us on this journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and community-building. Together, we'll shape a brighter, purposeful tomorrow.

“The two biggest future trends in education are rethinking what we teach and how we teach.”

— Forbes, 2022

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